Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The truth about salads...

There is a misunderstanding among those who do not eat gluten-free that salads are a perfect go-to to feed us when there are no other options. I have to admit, this is not always true and kind of frustrating...

First off, salads are not universally gluten-free! Lettuce is...therefore, just asking if I want a salad is not enough information. I need to know what is on that salad:

- Is there meat? If so, what kind? Most deli meats have gluten fillers and many cooked meats have seasonings or are in danger of being cross-contaminated in the kitchen

- What about cheese? Celiac patients cannot have the "moldy" cheeses so if they are sprinkled in that's a no-go

- If croutons are automatically on included (pre-packaged) then forget it; and also don't accidentally put them on and take them off because that's cross-contamination too

- Less likely, but still a concern, how did you cut up and prepare the vegetables? Did you cut something glutenous with that knife first?

- Finally....dressing. MOST dressings are NOT gluten-free. I would pretty much need to know the brand and check with them or read the label in order to feel comfortable with it. Oil & vinegar is an option but...that gets old fast.

Secondly, salads are not that good, especially with all the goodies that have to be left off from above. I understand it seems easy and safe but I mean come on...I can't eat glorified lettuce every meal of the day. The hunger comes back about 30 minutes later and I end up reaching for some plain potato chips. 

For those of you who have made this mistakes time and time again, this is not to blame would you know? Please just be aware that if we do get a salad it has to be specific and if we have to spend more than one meal with you, get creative and try to provide something different next time around :)

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