Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thoughts on cross-contamination...

All of the books warn you of cross-contamination. This happens when gluten-free food is prepared with utensils and in a kitchen where gluten-filled food is also prepared, so the chances of having bits of gluten get into a dish increases.

Well...from the beginning this has been the scariest thought because you think you are ordering something safe off the g-free menu and end up getting sick anyway. However...I haven't gotten sick in a couple months and this is the easiest thing to become a little lazy about.

So, going to restaurants I've been a little more chill with the wait staff and not as demanding about making sure they clean all of the utensils that they use for my dish a second and third time. Of course I still can't have bits of bread plop onto my food but if it went through the dishwasher at least one I'm confident that it'll be okay.

The problem with this is that the moment I let my guard down I fear that a butter knife will slice through some warm bread and then be used to cut my veggies! Therefore, I will never be able to completely ignore it and a mishap will be sure to instill the fear in me once again.

In conclusion, it's a weight lifted off to worry about one less least for now. To all of my friends and family don't think this gets you off the hook when I come over ;)

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